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Publications by Year



Alan Seaburg, At the Fair The Boston Immigrant Experience, Foreword by Philip A. M. Taylor, Department of American Studies, Hull University, England, Design by Daniel McCarron, 1990.


Alan Seaburg, The City of Love, Illustration by Ted Williams, Design by Daniel McCarron, A Troubadour Poetry Publication, 1990. Sample Poem.




Medford Historical Society (Medford, Ma.), The Medford Civil War Photographs: a Calendar for 1992, Published by the Anne Miniver Press for the Medford Historical Society, Design by Carl Seaburg, 1991.


Alan Seaburg, The Blue Robe: Small moments: The Joy of it, Illustration and Design by Ted Williams, a Troubadour Poetry Publication, 1991.




Anne Miniver Press, Anne Miniver’s Cook Book, Design by Eugene McAfee, 1992.  Sample Recipe.


Things Ordinary, A Gathering of Poetry from the 1992 Midwest Writers Workshop, Ball State University, Indiana, Design by Hall Barrett, A Troubadour Poetry Publication, 1992.


Alan Seaburg, On My Own, Illustration by Ted Williams, Design by Daniel McCarron, a Troubadour Poetry Publication, 1992. Sample Poem.




Agnes E. Peterson, Wise and/or Otherwise by A. Emily Gerrard in collaboration with Agnes E. Peterson (for her own quiet relaxation), Design by Carl Seaburg, 1993.




Alan Seaburg, “Elizabeth Butterfly,” Illustration by Ted Williams, Design by Ted Williams, a Troubadour Poetry Publication, 1994.


Alan Seaburg, 52 Tavistock Square, Illustrations by Ted Williams, Design by Daniel McCarron, a Troubadour Poetry Publication, 1994.  Sample Poem.


Alan Seaburg, Green River Days, Cover Art by Cliff Putney, Calligraphy by Ann Seaburg, 1994.




Ernest Cassara, Murder on Beacon Hill. A Father Ballou and his Dog Spot Mystery, 1995. 




Ernest Cassara, Murder on Beacon Hill. A Father Ballou and his Dog Spot Mystery, Second edition, 1996.




Alan Seaburg, A Sarah Grace Poem. Illustration and Design by Ted Williams, a Troubadour Poetry Publication, 1997.


Eddy, Darlene Mathis, Joy in the Morning, Illustration and Design by Christine L. Paul, Aster House Broadside Series, 1997.


Carl and Alan Seaburg and Thomas Dahill, The Incredible Ditch A Bicentennial History of the Middlesex Canal, Published by the Anne Miniver Press for the Medford Historical Society, Design by Suzanne Morgan, 1997.




Francis Kilvert, FrancisKilvert’s River Wye, Selections from his Diary With a Foreword by E.J.C. West, Published by the American Members and Friends of The Kilvert Society for its Golden Jubilee, June 1998.


Alan Seaburg, A Bell for the Teacher A True Story, Illustration and Design by Ted Williams, a Troubadour Poetry Publication, July 1998.






Carl Seaburg and Mark Harris, Eds, Celebrating Easter and Spring An Anthology of Unitarian Universalist Readings.  Drawings by Thomas Dahill, Design by Joan Tuttle, 2000.  Two printings.




Alan Seaburg, Thomas Dahill, Carol Rose, Cambridge on the Charles, Illustrations by Thomas Dahill, Design by Carol Rose, 1997.


Linda Yeaton, Thalassa, Illustrations by Thomas Dahill, Design by Carol Rose, a Troubadour Poetry Publication, 2001.


Eugene R. Widrick, Neighbours & Fellow Cretures, Illustrations by Thomas Dahill, Design by Carol Rose, 2001.





Linda Yeaton, Selene, Illustrations by Thomas Dahill, Design by Carol Rose, a Troubadour Poetry Publication, 2002.






Linda Yeaton, Magic House, Illustrations by Thomas Dahill, Design by Carol Rose, a Troubadour Poetry Publication, 2004.




Nancy 1932-2003,  Drawings by Tom Dahill, Design by Carol Rose, 2003.






Alan Seaburg, Botega a Roma Tom Dahill at the American Academy, Illustrations by Thomas Dahill, Design by Carol Rose and WordTech Corporation, 2007. [This is an eBook publication]




Alan Seaburg, Helen Wither, Linda Yeaton, To the Western Ocean The Anne Miniver Reader 2008 Literature, Philosophy, Art, Poetry, History, Illustrations, Thomas Dahill, Design by WordTech, 2008.  [This is an eBook publication]




Linda Yeaton, White Nights, a Troubadour Poetry Publication, Illustrations by Thomas Dahill, Design by Carol Rose, 2009.


Alan Seaburg, Life on the Middlesex Canal, Illustrations by Thomas Dahill, Design by Carol Rose, 2009.




Alan Seaburg. J. B. Goodenough, Poet of Rural America: A Bibliography, An Anne Miniver Butterfly Technologium Publication, 2010.


Alan Seaburg, J. B.  Goodenough, Poet of Rural America: A Short Biography, 2010.


Alan Seaburg, Maria and Walter Grossmann, Scholarly Librarians: A Bibliography, An Anne Miniver Butterfly Technologium Publication, 2010.




Alan Seaburg, Carl Seaburg: Minister, Scholar, and Poet of Lyrical Universalism, 2011.


Sarah Thomas, Orange, 2011.


Alan Seaburg, The Reverend Seth Chandler: "an earnest student of history," 2011.


Eugene S. Newhall, Grandpa Newhall"s Christmas. 1890, Lynn, Massachusetts, 2011.


Robert U. Holden, War Memoirs, 2011. Holden's thoughts about service in Europe during The Second World War.


Alan Seaburg, An American Artist – Thomas Dahill, Art by Thomas Dahill, Design by Carol Rose, 2011.


The Anne Miniver Press, Twenty-one Years of Fine Publications: 1990-2011, Retirement Yes!Essays by Alan Seaburg Tom Dahill, Woody Widrick, Harley Holden, Linda Yeaton, Kenneth E. Carpenter, Conrad Wright, Design by Carol Rose, 2011.




Alan Seaburg, Cappuccionos With Maria, 2012.


Alan Seaburg, ed. Harley's Toy Chest, Art by Tom Dahill, 2012.


Alan Seaburg, Maine Bridgton, Poems, 2012.


Alan Seaburg, The St. Ives Mermaid, Drawings by Thomas Dahill, Poems, 2012.


Alan Seaburg, Ted Williams: British Painter, Artist-In-Residence, Charles Street Meeting House, Boston, Massachusetts, 2012.


Alan Seaburg, ed. The Charles Street Meeting House, An Evolving Bibliography, 2012.




Alan Seaburg, Homo Sapiens, Their Universe, Origin, Story, 2013.


Alan Seaburg, The Story of a Universalist Church: The First Universalist Church, Medford, Ma, 2013.


Alan Seaburg, Paul Carnes, Beacon Press, the Sell Off, 2013.




Tom Dahill, Illustrating The Middlesex Canal, A Talk at Bestsellers, Cafe, Medford, Ma, 2014.




Alan Seaburg, The Unitarian Pope, Brooke Herford's Ministry in Chicago and Boston, 1876-1892, 2015.




Anne Hemingway, With Child, Poems, 2016.


Anne Hemingway, Avec Un Enfant, French Edition, Poems, 2016.


Alan Seaburg, Life On the Middlesex Canal, Illustrations by Thomas Dahill, Second Edition, 2016.




Alan Seaburg, ed. Green River Days, 1900-2018, Revised Edition, 2017.


Alan Seaburg, "America's First Complex Canal" - Middlesex Canal Essays, Illustrations by Thomas Dahill,  2017.








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