For more information about Alan Seaburg we include his
Contributor’s biography for the on-line Dictionary of Unitarian Universalist biography:
Alan Seaburg was Librarian of Crane Theological School, Tufts University; Co-minister with Kenneth Patton of the Charles Street Meeting House in Boston; and Curator of Manuscripts for 25 years at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Harvard Divinity School. When he retired in 1995 the school made him Curator of Manuscripts, Emeritus. In 1999 the Meadville/Lombard Theological School in Chicago gave him an honorary D.D. He was for many years Poetry Editor of Snowy Egret. His poetry has been issued as Thoreau Collage (1978), The City of Love (1990), On My Own(1992), 52 Tavistock Square (1994), and Affectionately Yours, Paris (in the Anne Miniver Reader, 2008).
With his brother Carl Seaburg he wrote Medford on the Mystic (1980), a town history in photographs and text, and The Incredible Ditch (1997), a history of the Middlesex Canal. He has edited Carl Seaburg and Stanley Paterson, The Ice King: Frederic Tudor and His Circle (2003), written An American Artist: Thomas Dahill (2011), Life on the Middlesex Canal (2009),and contributed "The Evolution of Religion in Twentieth-Century Cambridge" to Cambridge in the Twentieth Century (2007). Alan Seaburg's other works include Cambridge on the Charles (2001), a history of Cambridge, Massachusetts, At the Fair (1990), a study of the Boston immigrant experience, and the ebook, Botega a Roma: Tom Dahill at the American Academy (2007). His writings appear in many magazines and newspapers, including The New York Times, Amherst Review, Hawaii Review, and Commonweal. His "A Visit to Crane Theological School" is in the Unitarian Universalist Christian (2005).