Dear Friends,
Our popular publication Life on the Middlesex Canal is we are happy to tell you that it is back in stock again, and may be ordered directly from Amazon for just $16.00 plus postage.
The Anne Miniver Press
Here is Traci Jansen's review of the book in Towpath Topics, October 2009
"In Life on the Middlesex Canal, Seaburg possesses a charming writing style. He connects with the reader as well as his subject in a casual, convincing way that that makes us believe he is a friend. Within the text of the essays, we are sent off to the pages of other articles and publications in search of an illustration or a chapter that further explains one of his points. I found myself with a lap full of open books cross checking and completely captivated. I appreciate the inclusion of the author’s worldly perspective on canal life and life in general. All of the essays are well researched, using detailed footnotes to credit original sources and Seaburg includes poetry and song to portray a cheerful time in history. Tom Dahill’s extraordinary cover and familiar sketches offer a glimpse into the past and help us imagine life as it was back then.”